
Northville Twp Election

The Conservancy Initiative asked all local candidates a set of questions related to the landfill to help you make an informed decision.

The Conservancy Initiative Areas of Concern

Protect Johnson Creek

Advanced Disposal has applied for two permits which would allow the landfill leachate to be discharged to the areas only Cold Water Trout Stream, Johnson Creek. The groundwater at the site is contaminated with PFAS chemicals. Advanced Disposal is proposing using Johnson Creek to dispose of treated leachate. The Conservancy Initiative is activity working with community leaders and local media to organize an effective opposition to Advanced Disposal’s plans.

Our Comments on the Landfill's Proposal to Treat PFAS Impacted Water On-site and Discharge to Johnson Creek - June 26

Northville Township Submits Comments Opposing Landfill Discharges to Johnson Creek - June 26

The Conservancy Initiative Submits Comments on Johnson Creek Permit Applications - June 23

Advanced Disposal Requests Permission to Pump Leachate to Johnson Creek - May 27

PFAS Contamination Found at the ADVANCED DISPOSAL Arbor Hills Landfill - April 2

Non-Compliance Results in Odors

Arbor Hills continues to struggle to comply with the USEPA and State Regulations designed to protect the environment and residents living near the landfill. The landfill operators have received numerous violations and are not cooperating with regulators to resolve issues. Advanced Disposal’s on-going compliance violations continue to degrade the quality of life of those living in the community. The Conservancy Initiative believes legal actions from the Attorney General or US Justice Department will be required to force compliance.

Review the Latest Odor Performance Charts

Stay up to Date on the Latest Landfill News

Stop Landfill Expansion

The landfill is permitted to grow to a height of 400 feet and has reached approximately 350 feet as of 2020. Click Here for map of elevations. The latest available annual Report of Solid Waste Landfilled in Michigan estimates the remain capacity at 7 - 8 years using 2019 data. A landfill capacity report prepared by Advanced Disposal’s Consultant shows a the expected life of the landfill is 8 - 13 years. The Conservancy Initiative is attempting to reconcile these two reports. Advanced Disposal owns the land directly north of the existing landfill and requested a permit to expand in 2016 before withdrawing their request due to community pressure. The Conservancy Initiative is preparing to oppose any requests to expand the landfill and will need the help of the community when the day arrives. We supported Northville Township’s efforts to modified state regulations which would have effectively blocked an expansion and we continue to educate community leaders to assist with our efforts to oppose any expansion.

PFAS Groundwater Contamination

PFAS chemicals were found in the groundwater samples taken as part of a state wide investigation of groundwater at landfills. The PFAS contamination may have resulted from the use of fire fighting foam during a 2016 fire or from mishandling of leachate at the landfill. Advanced Disposal proposed discharging PFAS impacted stormwater which has been held on site since the 2016 fire to Johnson Creek after treatment. The Conservancy Initiative opposes the use of Johnson Creek to dispose of PFOS impacted materials, especially episodically generated material (i.e. - fire fighting residuals). The Conservancy Initiative will continue to closely track any PFAS developments. Click Here for Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s web page describing the Arbor Hills contamination.

Our Mission

Improve the environment by working with neighbors, government entities, area businesses and community leaders to create a clean and safe place to live and work