Trend 6-2020.JPG

Odor complaints by month

The landfill’s performance has improved recently with 79 odor complaints in June. The next graph shows this is the time of year produces the least odors. Hopefully this performance continues but let’s wait and see what late summer/fall brings.

Click Here for a copy of graph

year to year 6-2020.JPG

2019,2019 and 2020 compared

This chart shows the smelliest time of year is the fall. Summers months have the least odors. 2020 is following the same trend as 2019 and 2018.

Click Here for a copy of the graph

Problematic Days (10) 6-2020.JPG

problematic days

If there are 10 or more odor complaints on the same day … the odor is real!

Click Here for PDF Copy of Chart