You Can Make a Difference

Please Consider a Donation

The Conservancy Initiative is a small 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run by unpaid volunteers. Contributions to our organization are typically tax-exempt.

Our financial needs include funds for targeted marketing, yard signs, website services, attorney services, and publishing services for educational materials. A small grant from the Great Lakes PFAS action network has helped us fund periodic PFAS sampling in Johnson Creek.

Cash Contribution Options

Donate Using Venmo (Preferred)

Donate using <VENMO> use @StopTheDump

Donate from your bank using ZELLE.

Send payments to

VENMO and ZELLE ensure 100% of your donations reach us without any middleman fees.

Donate With PayPal

Donate using PayPal. The link below is formatted to allow donations directly to The Conservancy Initiative. Note - PayPal has retains a small administrative fee from your donation. Using VENMO or ZELLE is preferred


Donate With a Check

Make Checks Payable to: The Conservancy Initiative

Our address is:

The Conservancy Initiative

P.O. Box 722

Northville, MI 48167

Contribute in Other Ways

Get Involved. We always seek help with fundraising and attending state legislator’s town halls and township meetings. Please contact any of the Conservancy Initiative Trustees to see how you can help.

The Conservancy Initiative is a Michigan environmental non-profit 501c3 corporation. We appreciate contributions of any size.

To Volunteer

Contact The Conservancy Initiative by email at