On November 6, 2024, EGLE's Water Resource Division (WRD) issued a Violation Notice to the Arbor Hills Landfill for failing to maintain adequate measures to prevent erosion and sediment discharge into Johnson Creek. The non-compliant conditions have persisted since at least 2019, when a similar violation notice was issued, and has never been resolved.
All industrial facilities, including Arbor Hills, must implement measures to prevent the stormwater runoff from their facility from being impacted by industrial materials and erosion products. Precipitation that falls on the Arbor Hills Landfill is discharged into Johnson Creek, which is recognized as the most pristine waterway in southeastern Michigan. The drainage area for the landfill covers 365 acres and is likely the most significant industrial site contributing to Johnson Creek. This creek is notably the only cold-water trout stream in the region. It meanders through Salem, Plymouth, and Northville Townships before merging with the Rouge River. Johnson Creek serves as a focal point for several parks in Northville and plays a significant role in the redevelopment of Northville Downs.
Arbor hills discharges into johnson creek
The Stormwater runoff from Arbor Hills regularly contains exceptionally high levels of sediment and erosion products. Aquatic activity cannot survive in this muddy water.
Picture Caption - Johnson Creek at Ridge Road on July 16, 2024. Arbor Hills is responsible for the cloudy, murky water on the right.
The WRD lists Johnson Creek as an impaired stream because it does not consistently maintain dissolved oxygen levels that characterize a healthy cold-water stream. Adequate dissolved oxygen is necessary to sustain aquatic life. Excess dissolved solids or sediment in the creek has been identified as the primary cause of the low dissolved oxygen levels. The WRD has concluded that suspended solids from discharges into Johnson Creek must be reduced by 85% for the creek to meet water quality standards for cold-water streams.
The Conservancy Initiative (TCI) has highlighted the effects of the Arbor Hills Landfill on Johnson Creek and is advocating for more vigorous enforcement. TCI’s blog archive contains numerous reports detailing these impacts. The latest post, published on August 13, 2024, provides a summary:
In 2021, TCI reported to EGLE that stormwater discharge from the Arbor Hills Landfill consistently exceeded water quality standards for PFOS. A violation notice was issued, promising a Consent Order to address the illegal discharges expeditiously; however, meaningful corrective actions have not been taken.
TCI has started a sampling program for a tributary of Johnson Creek to test for PFOS, as EGLE and GFL have declined to monitor the illegal discharges of PFOS. Our sampling results indicate that PFOS concentrations just outside Arbor Hills consistently exceed allowable levels. TCI is disappointed that NO CORRECTIVE ACTIONS HAVE BEEN TAKEN.
TCI has highlighted the high turbidity and sediment levels in stormwater runoff from Arbor Hills. In August 2023, we assisted an EGLE sampling crew in identifying Arbor Hills as the source of extremely turbid water in Johnson Creek.
TCI has petitioned EGLE to require periodic testing of all discharges from Arbor Hills into Johnson Creek.
The Conservancy Initiative appreciates the WRD for issuing the violation notice but is disappointed that actions to correct the impacts on Johnson Creek are not prioritized more highly. We should demand more from Arbor Hills.