On October 25, 2023, EGLE commented on the response from Green for Life (GFL) to the October 10 Violation Notice and issued a new Violation Notice. EGLE’s comments questioned GFL's assertion that “The combined efforts of all the remedial construction conducted by the Arbor Hills staff appears to have eliminated the odor source.” EGLE acknowledged it appeared the odor problem may have been solved when there was only 1 odor complaint related to Arbor Hills from October 13th – 16th but when over 30 odor complaints were received between October 17th – 20th, EGLE returned to the landfill area to make an assessment. Noxious odors were observed in Northville Township neighborhoods on October 20th and a second Violation Notice.
In early July The Conservancy Initiative (TCI) warned that Cell 6 at the Arbor Hills Landfill may result in a new round of noxious odors for Northville neighborhoods. EGLE showed their concern for Cell 6 by requiring an air monitoring system on the eastern perimeter of Cell 6 when they led settlement negotiations in the recent Attorney General lawsuit. The perimeter air monitoring system measures methane (CH4) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions. The perimeter monitoring system at Arbor Hills is believed to be the first ever installed at a municipal waste landfill.
When GFL claimed the odor source had been eliminated in their response to the October 10th Violation Notice, TCI took the time to analyze the relationship between wind direction and odor complaints. The decrease in odor complaints from October 13th – 16th was due to a change in wind direction, not any action by GFL. The noxious odors and the odor complaints returned as soon as the wind began blowing the landfill emissions toward Northville Township neighborhoods.
Fig 1 - Odor Complaints are not received when winds are NOT directed towards Northville
Figure 2 - Winds blowing toward Northville result in odor complaints
In GFL’s response to the October 25th Violation Notice, GFL states they are utilizing general best management practices and the odors are common garbage odors that are released every morning when the landfill removes the landfill cover from the previous day to tie in the new incoming waste. The only corrective action GFL proposed is the use of odor mitigating fans to mask or cover up the excess emissions and odors from the landfill.
GFL wants the community to believe that odors are normal and unavoidable. They are no longer claiming the Gas Collection and Capture System (GCCS) would mitigate the odors. This change in approach is notable and is being caused by the community speaking up and Northville Township’s request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) demanding the shutdown of Cell 6 until all the necessary emission abatement systems are operational.
The TRO motion was filed by Northville Township on October 26th. The TRO would stop Arbor Hills from placing waste into Cell 6 (resulting in the shutdown of Cell 6) until all the necessary infrastructure to control emissions and odors is fully operational. The Conservancy Initiative is supporting the Township’s efforts and expects a hearing will be scheduled very soon to hear arguments regarding the TRO motion. On behalf of the residents of western Northville Township, The Conservancy Initiative thanks the Northville Township Board of Trustees for their actions to protect Township residents from the landfill’s excess emissions and noxious odors.
How can I help?
If you do not want Arbor Hills to expand their footprint, continuing noxious odors and contaminating our water sources, you can take action now.
1. Continue to submit Odor Complaints whenever noxious odors are observed. Odor complaints drive actions, including EGLE inspections and interest from media sources.
2. Speak up – engage with all our local leaders, including Washtenaw County leadership. Below is a list of contact information for key elected representatives. Call them, attend their town halls, follow their social media sites, write letters, or emails, and let them know your issues with Arbor Hills and ask for their help.
Key Elected Officials with active links
District Includes Western Northville Township
Senator Rosemary Bayer, 13th Senate District, senrbayer@senate.michigan.gov, Website, Facebook
Representative Jason Morgan, 23rd House District, JasonMorgan@house.mi.gov, Website, Facebook
US Representative Debbie Dingell, US 6th Congressional District, Email, Website, Facebook
District Includes Salem Township
Commissioner Crystal Lyte, Washtenaw County Commission, District 2, lytec@washtenaw.org, Website, Facebook
Senator Sue Shink, 14th Senate District, SenSShink@senate.michigan.gov, Website, Facebook
Other Key Elected Officials
Senator Danya Polehanki, 5th Senate District, sendpolehanki@senate.michigan.gov, Website, Facebook
Senator Jeff Irwin, 15th Senate District, SenJIrwin@senate.michigan.gov, Website, Facebook,
Representative Matt Koleszar, 22nd House District, MattKoleszar@house.mi.gov,Website, Facebook