Announcement - Gas to Energy Plant Shutdown This Weekend

Arbor Hills Landfill has sent the following notification to both The Conservancy Initiative and Northville Township:

[Arbor Hills Landfill is] …reaching out to inform the [community] that a DTE forced plant outage is scheduled for the weekend of April 17 through April 19. The reason for the plant outage is that DTE needs to conduct line maintenance. All flares onsite will be in operation to accommodate gas during this period. Please note, the timeframe noted was given to Arbor Hills by Fortistar Methane Group and is an estimate. Arbor Hills will remain in close contact with Fortistar plant operators and their management team throughout this duration. The plant will resume operation once clearance is given from DTE.

This notification means the Gas-to-Energy plant is being forced to shut down by DTE to all allow maintenance to DTE’s system. The Gas-to-Energy plant is the primary pollution control equipment that oxidizes the landfill gas. The landfill is required to maintain flares on standby as a backup for times when the Gas-to-Energy plant is not fully operational.

The Conservancy Initiative appreciates the improved communications and is exploring methods to keep the community informed without being a nuisance. Your thoughts and ideas are welcome.

As always, if objectional odors are detected use The Odor Report to report the odor to the landfill, EGLE, and the appropriate community leaders.