Ridge Wood Elementary Hydrogen Sulfide Air Monitor Update

Below is a reproduction of a letter from Advanced Disposal Services’ public relations consultant. The letter was received by the Township and provides an update on the status of the hydrogen sulfide meter planned to be installed near Ridge Wood Elementary School.

It is unclear how the current Stay at Home orders may delay installation. The Conservancy Initiative will pass on any additional information as soon as it becomes available.


(…….), good morning,

We want to share this update regarding the air quality monitoring station installation at Ridgewood Elementary, which we’ve also provided to state legislators. 

Advanced Disposal is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our Arbor Hills landfill neighbors and to providing the resources and expertise necessary to addressing questions.  The Ridgewood Elementary air quality monitoring station will provide technology needed for scientific air quality information, which we believe will bring confidence and comfort for parents and teachers of students at Ridgewood, as well as others in the neighborhoods near the school.  We appreciate the suggestion made by the community for this resource.

Working in coordination with the Northville School District, Advanced Disposal and district leaders are making good progress toward bringing the new Ridgewood Elementary air-quality monitoring station online.

  • Monitoring equipment (data logger, cell modem, hydrogen sulfide monitor) has been delivered to Advanced Disposal and pretested for installation.  A protective shelter housing has been ordered to enclose equipment.

  • Advanced Disposal and the Northville School District have recently ironed out most components of an access agreement that includes site layout and addresses additional school district comments and other details. We are awaiting any additional edits/changes in order to finalize the document, which then will allow site work to begin, including: prep and grade, install a cement pad on which the shelter housing and monitoring equipment will be placed, electric power installation, shelter housing and monitoring equipment installations. 

  • Additional steps in the works for bringing the Ridgewood monitoring station online include: approval from DTE Energy to install a power line (underground) to the site; local permits (or waivers) for the cement platform pad, protective fencing and meeting stormwater management requirements.

  • We anticipate monitoring to begin late April – early May, though factors beyond Advanced’ control, e.g. shelter-in-place restrictions associated with COVID-19, may impact vendor work. We will do our best to work though these circumstances.

We know this is of great interest to many, and Advanced Disposal  looks forward to showcasing the system with all of you when it is complete and operational.  We will keep you posted as we get closer to completing the project, but feel free to inquire any time.