The Conservancy Initiative - Press Release

For Immediate Release   

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Northville - The Conservancy Initiative of Northville Township is announcing their support of the Township’s efforts to enforce environmental compliance at the landfill and protect Johnson Creek.  Last week, the Board of Trustees authorized Supervisor Mark Abbo to file a lawsuit if Green for Life (GFL) fails to take the meaningful action they had promised in prior meetings.

 “From day one, Supervisor Abbo and the Board of Trustees have stressed strict compliance with environmental regulations at the landfill as the means to eliminate the odors and protect Johnson Creek,” said David Drinan, Vice President of The Conservancy Initiative.  “While meetings with the Township and GFL have provided some improvements, a lot more needs to be done.”

Since purchasing the Arbor Hills landfill, GFL has taken several steps to reduce violations and control the odors.  However, recently it was discovered  that beginning in April 2020 the landfill discharged PFAS into Johnson Creek and still maybe doing so today. 

Two samples of the main stormwater detention pond located near Napier Road, north of the railroad tracks, taken on 4/2/2020 contained 94 ng/l and 400 ng/l of PFOS. Michigan Rule 57 limits the PFOS in surface water (non-drinking water) to 12 ng/l. This stormwater pond regularly drains to Johnson Creek. It is assumed this condition is continuing until additional sampling is conducted.

 “Since taking office last November, Supervisor Mark Abbo has been adamant that GFL not only needs to stop the odor that has been plaguing residents for years, but they also needed to stop polluting Johnson Creek,” continued Drinan.  “That is why The Conservancy Initiative is standing with the Board of Trustees as they fight to protect our community and our natural resources.”

 Johnson Creek is Wayne County’s only cold-water trout stream, and the Arbor Hills landfill has applied for permits to discharge treated leachate into the creek several times.  It is imperative that Northville residents and our elected officials work together to protect the creek.

 The Conservancy Initiative ( is a non-profit organization working on behalf of our local community and the environment, with a broad following of residents primarily in Northville Township, Plymouth Township and the City of Northville who are concerned with the systemic environmental noncompliance at the Arbor Hills Landfill.

