Save the Date – February 24, 2022, @ 6 PM

Virtual Townhall Regarding PFAS Contamination at the Arbor Hills Landfill and the Impact on Johnson Creek

PFAS contamination is one of the most significant environmental issues today. New reports of contamination that threaten water supplies or livestock appear in the news regularly. Hollywood has even produced a movie, Dark Waters, which tells the story of the PFAS chemicals. Landfills are known locations where PFAS chemicals accumulate and therefore must be controlled closely to prevent contamination of nearby groundwater and surface waters (creeks, rivers, etc.).


The Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART) will be holding a virtual Town Hall to update the public on the status of PFAS contamination at the Arbor Hills Landfill on February 24th at 6:00 PM. <CLICK HERE> for townhall information. The Conservancy Initiative as well as leaders from Northville Township, the City of Northville, and Plymouth Township encourage residents to attend this informational meeting.  


A significant online turnout at this townhall is important to keep the focus on the Arbor Hills Landfill’s PFAS contamination that threatens Johnson Creek and our community. EGLE will also have a representative from the Air Quality Division (AQD) and may provide an update on the ongoing enforcement actions being led by the Michigan Attorney General. The Conservancy Initiative believes a settlement in this lawsuit may be near.


Arbor Hill’s PFAS contamination is a complicated issue. The landfill has known of the contamination issue since 2016 but has taken very few serious actions to address the issue until the public became aware of the issue and The Conservancy Initiative, Northville Township leadership and the City of Northville began pushing for resolution in late 2020.


In a separate post(s), The Conservancy Initiative will review some of the key data that has been collected to date and review our understanding of the current plans to remediate the PFAS at the site. We will be submitting questions to MPART and EGLE in advance of the Town Hall to make the Town Hall more productive. If you have any specific questions, please send them to