Odors are Increasing - Challenging Times Ahead

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Early October Update – Odor Season

The Conservancy Initiative has been tracking the number of odor complaints received related to the Arbor Hills landfill for almost 3 years. The data leaves little doubt that Fall is the high odor season for those of us living downwind of the Arbor Hills Landfill and the odor season may have started a little early this year.  If data trends are any indication, the next several months may be plagued with a significant amount of landfill odor.  

Year to Year Highlighted.JPG

Sad Facts

  • There were 246 valid odor complaints made in September

  • 161 of these complaints were made in the last 9 days of the month

  • 147 unique email addresses were used to make the odor complaints in September

  • Every time the wind blows out of the West, Southwest, or South-Southwest, some Northville Township neighborhoods are impacted by the noxious landfill odors.

The Conservancy Initiative has updated the charts we use to track the landfill odor performance and how wind direction relates to landfill odors. If you are interested, you can review the latest information on our Website on the Odor Scorecard Tab. If you have an idea for additional uses of the odor complaint data please drop us a line at  info@theconservancyinitiative.org or comment on our Facebook page.

Odor Scorecard arrow.png

As we all know this has been a crazy year. The Conservancy Initiative is working hard to gain support from Community Leaders and continues to lobby the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for increased surveillance and enforcement of the landfill. TCI still believes our best hope for improved landfill performance will require the Attorney General to bring legal actions to force the landfill to accept EGLE’s proposed corrective actions.  In addition, Northville Township may be about to transition leadership soon and the landfill is about to transition to new ownership. The next several months will present many challenges and potential opportunities.

What can I Do?

Please, please, please …

  1. Continue to submit odor complaints when you smell an odor. The odor complaints are necessary to identify the specific odor source and results in data which is our best tool to draw attention to the issue

  2. Speak out to your community leaders – be heard. We may have new leadership soon. New or old, make sure all our community leaders are aware the Landfill Problem has not gone away.

  3. If you have ideas, contact The Conservancy Initiative at info@theconservancyinitiative.org.