October 28, 2020 Landfill Odors

The euphoria of Friday’s announcement by the Attorney General has faded fast as we return to the reality that there remains a huge landfill that regularly does not comply with environmental regulations operating on our horizon. This morning, Wednesday, October 28th, something is happening at the landfill and the wind is blowing in the wrong direction creating terrible odors in Northville Township.  21 residents have already registered odor complaints before 10 AM.  

Northville Township leadership and The Conservancy Initiative have contacted EGLE to report the issues and request a site inspection. Northville Township leadership has been in contact with the landfill to demand corrective actions.

TCI has attempted to contact the landfill but has not yet been successful. We believe the landfill may have accepted some particularly odorous waste this AM and they are working to neutralize and cover the waste. We will update this site if we learn anything more.   

Updated ~ 7:00 PM

The landfill manager reported the cause of the odors today was an extremely odorous load of sludge that was accepted for disposal. The source of the sludge was not identified, but it is believed to be a local water treatment facility that regularly ships to Arbor Hills. EGLE has advised Advanced Disposal to stop accepting this type of sludge to minimize odors but obviously, they have not. The landfill manager reported he is investigating alternative disposal practices and/or locations for the sludge.

EGLE visited the landfill as a result of the numerous odor complaints today. We have not heard if a violation was issued yet.

One very small improvement was the landfill returned our calls and shared information today about the odors. In the past, we would not have heard from the landfill.