As the weather has started to change, the odors from the Arbor Hills Landfill have become much stronger, and more noxious. The weather has predictably made a seasonal shift. Temperatures have begun to drop, and the wind started blowing out of the Southwest (i.e. towards Northville Township neighborhoods).
On October 5th and 6th, more than 50 odor complaints were received. The odor is a very strong, noxious, garbage odor emanating from the newly opened Cell 6.
Figure 1 - Cell 6 is located near the corner of Napier and Six Mile Roads, much closer to Northville neighborhoods.
Here are a few things The Conservancy Initiative has learned.
Cell 6 is the last area where the landfill has to bury waste. It is located at the Northeast corner of the property, very near the intersection of Napier and Six Mile Roads. Cell 6 is much closer to Northville neighborhoods than the previous active areas of the landfill.
Six air monitoring stations were installed on the eastern perimeter of the landfill to monitor emissions from Cell 6. EGLE required these monitors as part of a recent enforcement action settlement. Data from the perimeter monitors is available from a link on The Conservancy Initiative website Click <Air Monitors> on the menu at the top of any page.
The monitoring stations are confirming excess emissions at the landfill perimeter. At the start of October, the perimeter monitoring system began detecting significant changes as the wind began blowing out of the west. The air monitors continuously detect Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Methane (CH4); the concentrations of both air contaminates began to increase. The H2S concentrations have reached over 150 ppb and the CH4 concentrations have been greater than 81,000 ppm. Action levels are 30 ppb and 40 ppm respectively. A brief review of the attached table will highlight the dramatic changes that began occurring in early October.
Figure 2 - Data from Perimeter Air Monitors. Red numbers are above the actions levels.
The odor complaints increase when the monitors indicate emissions are wafting toward Northville.
EGLE has been on-site responding to the high volume of odor complaints on October 5th and 6th. We have not been able to obtain a follow-up report from their visits but will keep trying to make contact.
EGLE performed a comprehensive inspection at Arbor Hills in September and found large areas of H2S and CH4 emissions in the area of Cell 6. EGLE recommended that GFL start the gas collection and control system for cell 6 as soon as possible.
We were surprised the cell 6 GCCS has not been put into service yet (apparently landfill regulations do not require the GCCS systems to be expanded to new cells for up to 18 months after waste is first put in the cell).
GFL has responded that the cell 6 GCCS may not be operational until mid-January 2024.
The Conservancy Initiative is very troubled by this information. We hope we are wrong, but are concerned the strong garbage odors may be normal in neighborhoods downwind of Arbor Hills until the GCCS is operational.
I’m frustrated – what can I do?
Please continue to use The Conservancy Initiative’s odor reporting system whenever noxious odors are observed. It is extremely important the odors are reported and documented.
Speak up! Be polite, but speak up, and make sure elected officials and EGLE know how Arbor Hills is affecting your family’s ability to enjoy your property.
The Arbor Hills Landfill is nearing the end of its permitted capacity and will be requesting additional capacity in the future. It is hard to believe Green For Life was not better prepared to put Cell 6 into service. Especially knowing Arbor Hills will soon be asking for additional capacity. The fact that GFL didn't take the necessary precautions to properly control odor emissions from Cell 6 shows their inability to be a good neighbor. We need to make sure our community leaders, elected officials, and EGLE understand this aspect when considering any expansion request.