Friday, November 8th

Scroll down to see a summary of the odor complaints from November 8th. The maps show the odor complaints on a map of the area broken down by time. There were 120 complaints received before midnight. The maps show how widespread the odor impact can be.

8 Odor Complaints were made in the morning of Friday, November 8th …

8 Odor Complaints were made in the morning of Friday, November 8th …

22 Odor Complaints were received between 3 - 7 PM as residents returned home to enjoy a Friday evening

22 Odor Complaints were received between 3 - 7 PM as residents returned home to enjoy a Friday evening

41 Complaints were received from 7 - 9 PM as the barometric pressure dropped and the wind was dead calm

41 Complaints were received from 7 - 9 PM as the barometric pressure dropped and the wind was dead calm

49 more complaints were received before Friday evening ended. ADS never contacted any township leadership to explain their actions.

49 more complaints were received before Friday evening ended. ADS never contacted any township leadership to explain their actions.