Arbor Hills Construction Update - September 18, 2019

Arbor Hills Fall Construction Work Update:

At the June 19, 2019 Board of Trustee Meeting Advanced Disposal Services (ADS) identified a number of construction projects designed to address landfill odors affecting our residents. Supervisor Nix requested ADS to provide a status update up these projects including a time frame and the potential for the release of odors caused by the work. ADS provided the following:

“The three major construction projects are now underway, or scheduled to begin soon, and the approximate timeframes for completion of each are provided. The ADS construction team contracted to perform the work arrived on site the week of Labor Day. These projects are designed to resolve the main sources of nuisance odors that were identified and presented at the Township’s June 19 meeting. Our contractors will take all reasonable measures to minimize offsite odors caused by the construction work by covering or closing the work at the end of each work day.

1.       North Slope / gas collection – On September 4th, work began to expand the system of horizontal piping that carries landfill gas from throughout the landfill’s gas wells to the gas-to-energy facility.  Phase 1 of 3 has been completed, and all phases are slated to be completed by the end of September.

2.       Leachate (liquid) collection system – Work is underway to install a multiphase, comprehensive process to treat landfill liquids, or leachate, collected throughout the landfill before it is discharged to the municipal waste-water treatment facility.  This project is designed to minimize odors associated with leachate. The initial systems are scheduled for installation by the end of September. Additional systems subsequently will be installed throughout October or until water quality standards at discharge are met. 

3.       West haul road – Work to improve drainage, expand the gas collection system and eliminate current gas and odor venting in this area of the landfill is slated to begin in early October, and weather dependent, will be completed at the end of November.”

 The Township will continue to monitor this work and keep you apprised.