Air Monitoring Equipment at Ridge Wood Elementary School

Air Monitoring Equipment at Ridge Wood Elementary School

Ridge Wood Air monitoring

  • The Arbor Hills Landfill installed an air monitoring station at Ridge Wood Elementary School in December 2020. The monitoring station continuously measures the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels in the air. The meter was installed as part of an agreement with the USEPA to settle compliance violations and will be operated for at least 5 years by an independent third party.

  • H2S is an odorous compound with a smell commonly associated with the smell of rotten eggs or sewer gas. H2S occurs naturally as a byproduct of biological decomposition. Locations, where H2S is found, include landfills, sewers, manure pits, stagnant swamps, etc.

  • Arbor Hills monitors H2S near the school to confirm that concentrations are in a safe range, and to provide an early warning signal if unsafe conditions are present.

  • Data from the H2S monitoring station is typically updated 15 - 20 days after the end of each month. <CLICK HERE> for a link to the Green For Life (GLF) web page which contains the monitoring station data and reference information on the toxicity of H2S and what levels the USEPA believes are safe.
